A mentorship program that inspires, molds, and empowers young men to be productive members of society.
Based in Detroit, MI
Making a Difference One Child at a Time
Through our SNL program, we remove young men off the streets and provide them with an alternative, safe, and positive social experience with their peers. We meet with approximately 30 students, every Saturday at a local gym that we rent out, for approximately 45 weeks per year. Young men between the ages of 12-18 years old are exposed to positive social experiences through sports activities, hearing speakers from diverse professional backgrounds, and learning life skills in preparation for college and adulthood. Our speakers are well known successful community leaders who have transcended the same circumstances that our students currently face. These compassionate role models serve as tangible versions of who the youth can one day become if they too choose to courageously believe in a brighter future. Topics covered range from successful high school completion, incarceration and the justice system, financial literacy, the importance of possessing good credit, proper decision making, healthy living and eating, and college preparation.